Available Treatments
Herbal and Energy Medicine
Homeopathic Medicine
Diet and Nutrition
Lifestyle Counselling
Reiki Healing
Myofascial Release
Welcome to Trinity Natural Health Clinic
"Putting the Power of Health Back
Into Your Hands" since 2009
We provide a wholistic way to improving your health with traditional natural medicine at its finest!
What is Traditional Natural Medicine?
Traditional natural Medicine is a distinct system of non-invasive healthcare and health assessment in which neither surgery nor drugs are used, dependence being placed only on education, counselling, traditional medicine modalities and natural substances. This includes, without limitation, the use of foods, food extracts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, digestive aids, botanical substances, topical natural substances, homeopathic preparations, air, water, heat, cold, sound, light, the physical modalities of natural non-manipulative bodywork and exercise to help stimulate and maintain the individual's intrinsic self-healing processes.
All practitioners of natural healing aim at stimulating the body to heal itself. Vis medicatrix naturae, or 'the healing power of nature,' remains central to natural medicine philosophy today. Rather than trying to attack specific diseases, natural healers focus on cleansing and strengthening the body, regardless of the specific methodology used.
Visit Us
By Appointment Only
Tel: 780-538-1995
​E-mail: trinitynatural@live.ca

~Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners